Supporting female led businesses during covid-19

As a small business we know just how important it is to support other innovative creatives! Did you know female entrepreneurs make up just 32% of business owners in the whole of the UK?!

With that number being double what it was just four years ago It’s safe to say that in recent times us girls have finally been levelling up on the playing field. With more and more female business founders appearing across the UK, inclusive economic growth has finally seen some improvement.

However the knock on effects of covid-19 have left many of us in financial hardship. It'll come as no surprise to the best of us that these effects have fallen disproportionally upon female business owners, who were already at a significant disadvantage compared to their male counterparts. Female entrepreneurs are typically smaller with less financial security behind them.


Our top 5 sustainable businesses run by womxn?

Consciously choosing who you’re opting to buy from and sharing this support with others is one small but crucial step towards a brighter and more balanced future for all of us. So, we’ve compiled a list of 5 of our fave amazing businesses ran by the girls!!!


Being both female and black owned Wowsancho had to be at the top of our list. It was founded by the super inspiring Kalkidan. This wonderful Devon based clothing store not only preaches the importance of ethical and sustainable fashion, but also uses their platform to educate and promote matters around racism, climate change and many other crucial points of discussion.


Good on you is a platform led by female owner Sandra. If you haven’t already heard of the good on you app, it’s time you got to know it. Being the go-to source of trusted ratings and reviews, it’s transparency makes it the ultimate guide to helping you do sustainable shopping the right way. 


Brighton lace is not only female ran by founder Lou, but is made up of a small ALL woman team! They're dedicated to making feel-good underwear that doesn't cost the earth. Using earth-friendly and recycled materials you can shop with them knowing you've made a difference to our planet.


AFF AND JAM bring us one of a kind black and female owned wearable arts. It’s founders Kelesi and Jaymie combine their love of the arts with their own African and Jamaican identity and culture, to promote empowerment. Using vintage and recycled materials also means they have a positive impact on the environment as well as their community.


Lastly, we have Night time holiday - founded by mega hun Brooke Robson. All of Brooke's jewellery is handmade start to finish by herself in her very own home! Each season-less piece of jewellery is sustainably designed with longevity in mind, to be worn all year...for years.


What are your favourite female led businesses?! We'd love to hear from you!